In this intriguing film directed by Pedro Morelli, the narrative unfolds through a unique blend of live-action and animation, exploring the interconnected lives of three characters. Alison Pill, Gael García Bernal, and Mariana Ximenes star in this multi-layered story that delves into themes of creativity and self-discovery. The film’s structure is notable for its meta-narrative approach, where each character’s story influences the others in unexpected ways. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
Director: Pedro Morelli
Actors: Alison Pill, Amanda Barker, Claudia Ohana, Don McKellar, Gael García Bernal, Jason Priestley, Jennifer Irwin, Mariana Ximenes, Michael Eklund, Tyler Labine
Company: O2 Filmes, Rhombus Media
Worldwide Gross: $2,784