This family film is adapted from the beloved children’s book by Julia Donaldson, with illustrations by Axel Scheffler. “ZOG” follows the adventures of an enthusiastic young dragon eager to master flying, roaring, and fire-breathing during his early years at Dragon School. Determined to impress his teacher and earn a coveted gold star, Zog often finds himself in mishaps, requiring the assistance of a compassionate young girl who tends to his injuries. In his fourth year, Zog faces his toughest task yet: capturing a princess. Will the young girl be able to assist him in this daunting challenge? This delightful Christmas film is brought to you by Magic Light Pictures, the producers who have been nominated for an Oscar four times.
Views: 5
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Daniel Snaddon, Max Lang
Actors: Emma Tate, Hugh Skinner, Kit Harington, Lenny Henry, Patsy Ferran, Rob Brydon, Rocco Wright, Tracey Ullman
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Magic Light Pictures, Talecraft Animation Studios
Worldwide Gross: $223,262