Zeit der Kannibalen
In this gripping German drama, the story unfolds within the confines of a hotel room, where two ruthless business consultants, portrayed by Devid Striesow and Sebastian Blomberg, navigate the cutthroat world of global capitalism. As they await their next assignment, tensions rise, and their moral compasses are put to the test. The film, directed by Johannes Naber, offers a sharp critique of corporate ethics and the dehumanizing effects of globalization. While it didn’t receive major awards, its intense performances and thought-provoking narrative have garnered critical acclaim. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Johannes Naber
Actors: Carlos Lobo, Devid Striesow, Florence Kasumba, Jaymes Butler, Joana Adu-Gyamfi, Katharina Schüttler, Romesh Ranganathan, Sebastian Blomberg, Steve Ellery, Warsama Guled
Country: Germany
Company: ARTE, Studio-TV-Film GmbH, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
Worldwide Gross: $376,702