In this 2014 family comedy, a high school student named Zoey Stevens, played by Zendaya, discovers a smartphone app that magically controls boys. As she navigates the challenges of her new blended family and high school life, the app provides unexpected solutions and humorous situations. Directed by Peter DeLuise, the film explores themes of family dynamics and teenage life with a lighthearted touch. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it remains a fun watch for younger audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, TV Movie
Director: Peter DeLuise
Actors: Adam DiMarco, Aleks Paunovic, Chanelle Peloso, Emilia McCarthy, Jedidiah Goodacre, Louriza Tronco, Lucia Walters, Spencer Boldman, William Ainscough, Zendaya
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Marvista Entertainment, Muse Entertainment Enterprises, Off-Leash Teleproductions