Z Storm
In this gripping Hong Kong crime thriller directed by David Lam, the story follows the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) as they delve into a complex web of financial fraud and corruption. The film stars Louis Koo, who delivers a compelling performance as the determined ICAC officer leading the investigation. As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a suspenseful journey through the intricacies of white-collar crime and the challenges of bringing powerful figures to justice. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: David Lam
Actors: Dada Chan, Dada Chan Ching, Derek Tsang, Derek Tsang Kwok-Cheung, Eddie Cheung, Eddie Cheung Siu-Fai, Felix Lok Ying-Kwan, Gordon Lam Ka-Tung, Janelle Sing, Lam Ka-tung, Lo Hoi-Pang, Louis Koo, Michael Wong, Stephen Au, Stephen Au Kam-Tong, Ying Kwan Lok
Company: Pegasus Motion Pictures, Sil-Metropole Organisation
Worldwide Gross: $17,234,954