Z airando
Hiroya Munakata, portrayed by Sho Aikawa, heads the Munakata-gumi yakuza clan. A decade after a significant conflict, his younger brother in spirit, Takashi (played by Shingo Tsurumi), is freed from incarceration. However, Takashi’s daughter, Hyuga (Maika Yamamoto), refuses to reunite with her father and flees. Hiroya, along with Takashi and his loyal follower Shinya (Red Rice), sets off to Zeni Island, where Hyuga is believed to be. There, they encounter unforeseen challenges.
Views: 6
Director: Hiroshi Shinagawa
Actors: Daigo, Daisuke Miyagawa, Hannya, Kunihiro Kawashima, RED RICE, Sawa Suzuki, Shingo Tsurumi, Show Aikawa, Yuichi Kimura, Yukiko Shinohara
Country: Japan
Company: Bingo Y.K., dentsu, Kadokawa Daiei Studio
Worldwide Gross: $190,299