Youth in Revolt
In this coming-of-age comedy, a socially awkward teenager, played by Michael Cera, embarks on a rebellious journey to win the heart of his dream girl. The film explores themes of identity and self-discovery as the protagonist creates an alter ego to break free from his mundane life. Directed by Miguel Arteta, the movie features a blend of humor and romance, capturing the trials of adolescence. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Miguel Arteta
Actors: Adhir Kalyan, Erik Knudsen, Fred Willard, Jean Smart, M. Emmet Walsh, Michael Cera, Portia Doubleday, Ray Liotta, Steve Buscemi, Zach Galifianakis
Country: United States of America
Company: Dimension Films, Permut Presentations, Shangri-La Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $19,651,093