Yourself and Yours
In this intriguing film by Hong Sang-soo, the narrative explores the complexities of relationships through the lens of a couple facing a tumultuous period. The story delves into themes of identity and perception, as the characters navigate misunderstandings and personal growth. The film stars Kim Min-hee and Lee Yoo-young, who deliver compelling performances that add depth to the storyline. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it remains a notable entry in Hong Sang-soo’s filmography. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Hong Sang-soo
Actors: Baek Hyun-jin, Bek Hyun-jin, Gong Min-jeung, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Joo-hyuk, Kwon Hae-hyo, Lee You-young, Yu Jun-sang
Country: South Korea
Company: Jeonwonsa Film
Worldwide Gross: $150,229