Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon
Set in ancient China, this film follows the young and brilliant Detective Dee as he embarks on his first case, unraveling a conspiracy involving a mysterious sea monster and a sinister plot against the empire. The movie features a blend of action, mystery, and fantasy, showcasing the detective’s sharp intellect and martial arts prowess. Directed by Hark Tsui, it stars Mark Chao in the titular role, supported by a talented cast including Angelababy and Feng Shaofeng. The film is noted for its stunning visual effects and intricate storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Hark Tsui
Actors: AngelaBaby, Carina Lau, Carina Lau Kar-Ling, Chen Kun, Chien Sheng, Dong Hu, Ian Kim Beom, Kim Bum, Lin Gengxin, Mark Chao, Shan Zhang, William Feng, Zhang Shan
Company: Film Workshop, Huayi Brothers Media, Pixeltree studio
Worldwide Gross: $98,774,891