You Might Be the Killer
In this horror-comedy film directed by Brett Simmons, a camp counselor finds himself in a terrifying predicament as he wakes up covered in blood with no memory of the previous night’s events. As he seeks help from his horror movie enthusiast friend, played by Alyson Hannigan, they work together to piece together the mystery and determine if he might be the killer. The film cleverly plays with genre tropes, offering a fresh take on the slasher narrative. Fran Kranz stars alongside Hannigan, bringing a mix of humor and suspense to the story. For those interested, the movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Brett Simmons
Actors: Alyson Hannigan, Brittany S. Hall, Bryan Price, Carol Jean Wells, Fran Kranz, Jack Murillo, Jenna Harvey, Patrick R. Walker, Patrick Walker, Sara Catherine Bellamy, Savannah DesOrmeaux
Country: United States of America
Company: ALLaBorde Films, Curmudgeon Films, Vital Signs Entertainment