Set in the vibrant yet tumultuous world of 1970s Kingston, Jamaica, and 1980s London, this film follows the journey of a young Jamaican named D, played by Aml Ameen, who is haunted by the murder of his brother. As he navigates the gritty underworld of London, D finds himself torn between a life of crime and a quest for justice. Directed by Idris Elba, the movie captures the cultural and emotional complexities of its characters. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it offers a compelling narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Idris Elba
Actors: Adnan Mustafa, Aml Ameen, Calvin Demba, Duramaney Kamara, Everaldo Creary, Fraser James, Riaze Foster, Shantol Jackson, Sheldon Shepherd, Stephen Graham
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Amazon Prime Video, BBC Film, BFI Film Fund, Screen Yorkshire, Warp Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,551,163