And your mother too
This coming-of-age drama, directed by Alfonso Cuarón, follows two teenage boys, played by Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna, who embark on a road trip with an older woman, portrayed by Maribel Verdú. As they journey through the Mexican countryside, the trio explores themes of friendship, desire, and the complexities of life. The film is noted for its candid portrayal of youth and sexuality, and it received critical acclaim, earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Actors: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Diana Bracho, Diego Luna, Emilio Echevarría, Gael García Bernal, María Aura, Maribel Verdú, Marta Aura, Silverio Palacios, Verónica Langer
Country: Mexico
Company: Anhelo Producciones, Besame Mucho Pictures, Producciones Anhelo
Worldwide Gross: $33,616,692