In this vibrant and energetic film, the lives of six strangers intersect at a massive electronic dance music festival, where they each embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection. The story follows a young DJ, played by Graham Phillips, who gets a last-minute opportunity to perform, setting off a chain of events that impact everyone around him. The film captures the pulsating energy of the festival scene, with a soundtrack that mirrors the highs and lows of the characters’ experiences. Directed by Christopher Louie, the movie offers a colorful exploration of dreams and relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Christopher Louie
Actors: Brianne Howey, Chris D'Elia, Graham Phillips, Hayley Kiyoko, Ian Anthony Dale, Ione Skye, LaMonica Garrett, Medalion Rahimi, Ryan Hansen, Sarah Hyland
Country: United States of America
Company: Joe Russell Productions, Netflix, Prettybird