In this surreal comedy directed by Quentin Dupieux, the protagonist, Dolph Springer, embarks on a bizarre quest to find his missing dog, Paul. As he navigates a world filled with eccentric characters and inexplicable events, Dolph’s journey becomes a reflection on the absurdity of life and the search for meaning. The film features performances by Jack Plotnick and William Fichtner, adding depth to its offbeat narrative. While it didn’t receive any major awards, its unique storytelling and visual style have garnered a cult following. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Quentin Dupieux
Actors: Alexis Dziena, Arden Myrin, Bob Jennings, Eric Judor, Jack Plotnick, Mark Burnham, Regan Burns, Steve Little, Todd Giebenhain, William Fichtner
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Arte France Cinéma, Realitism Films
Worldwide Gross: $106,425