Women in Trouble
In this ensemble comedy-drama, a day in Los Angeles unfolds through the interconnected lives of ten women, each facing their own unique set of challenges. The film features a talented cast, including Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, and Connie Britton, who bring depth to their characters’ stories of love, betrayal, and unexpected encounters. Directed by Sebastián Gutiérrez, the narrative weaves humor and drama seamlessly, offering a glimpse into the complexities of modern womanhood. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the film is noted for its engaging storytelling and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sebastián Gutiérrez
Actors: Adrianne Palicki, Carla Gugino, Connie Britton, Elizabeth Berkley, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Garcelle Beauvais, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton, Sarah Clarke
Country: United States of America
Company: Gato Negro Films
Worldwide Gross: $18,000