In this thought-provoking drama directed by Benedek Fliegauf, the narrative explores the complex themes of love, loss, and the ethical boundaries of cloning. The story follows Rebecca, played by Eva Green, who makes a controversial decision to bring back her deceased lover, Thomas, portrayed by Matt Smith, through cloning. As the plot unfolds, it delves into the emotional and moral dilemmas faced by the characters. The film is noted for its hauntingly beautiful cinematography and compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Benedek Fliegauf
Actors: Eva Green, Hannah Murray, István Lénárt, Jesse Hoffmann, Lesley Manville, Matt Smith, Natalia Tena, Peter Wight, Ruby O. Fee, Tristan Christopher
Country: France, Germany, Hungary
Company: Asap Films, Inforg Stúdió, Razor Film Produktion GmbH
Worldwide Gross: $36,257