Woman Walks Ahead
Set in the late 19th century, this historical drama follows Catherine Weldon, a widowed artist from Brooklyn, who travels to North Dakota to paint a portrait of the legendary Sioux chief, Sitting Bull. As she becomes embroiled in the struggles of the Native American people, she forms an unexpected bond with Sitting Bull, played by Michael Greyeyes, and faces the challenges posed by the U.S. government. Jessica Chastain stars as Weldon, delivering a compelling performance that highlights the cultural and political tensions of the era. Directed by Susanna White, the film offers a poignant exploration of friendship and resistance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Western
Director: Susanna White
Actors: Bill Camp, Chaske Spencer, Ciarán Hinds, Jessica Chastain, Louisa Krause, Michael Greyeyes, Monika Crowfoot, Robert Mirabal, Sam Rockwell, Willy RunsAbove
Country: United States of America
Company: BCD Travel, Black Bicycle Entertainment, Potboiler Productions, The Bedford Falls Company
Worldwide Gross: $80,912