Wishing Stairs
In this South Korean horror film directed by Jae-yeon Yun, the story unfolds at an all-girls art school where a mysterious set of stairs is rumored to grant wishes to those who climb them. The plot centers around two close friends, Jin-sung and So-hee, whose relationship becomes strained as they compete for a coveted spot in a ballet competition. As the tension escalates, the supernatural elements of the stairs begin to manifest, leading to unforeseen consequences. The film stars Song Ji-hyo and Park Han-byul, who deliver compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jae-yeon Yun
Actors: Gong Sang-a, Hong Soo-ah, Jo An, Joo Eun, Kwak Ji-min, Lee Mi-yeon, Moon Jeong-hee, Park Han-byul, Park Ji-yeon, Song Ji-hyo
Country: South Korea
Company: Cine-2000 Film Production, CJ Entertainment