Winnie the Pooh
In this charming animated feature directed by Don Hall, the beloved characters of the Hundred Acre Wood embark on a whimsical adventure. The story follows Winnie the Pooh and his friends as they set out to find Eeyore’s lost tail and later attempt to rescue Christopher Robin from an imagined danger. The film captures the essence of A.A. Milne’s classic tales with its gentle humor and heartwarming themes. Notably, the movie features the voice talents of Jim Cummings, who brings Pooh and Tigger to life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids
Director: Don Hall, Stephen J. Anderson
Actors: Bud Luckey, Craig Ferguson, Huell Howser, Jack Boulter, Jim Cummings, John Cleese, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Lisa Linder, Tom Kenny, Travis Oates, Wyatt Dean Hall
Country: Canada, Japan, United States of America
Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $49,871,429