Where Hands Touch
Set against the backdrop of Nazi Germany, this film follows the story of a biracial teenager, Leyna, who navigates the perilous landscape of racial prejudice and war. As she struggles with her identity and the harsh realities of her environment, she forms a complex relationship with a young member of the Hitler Youth. Directed by Amma Asante, the movie stars Amandla Stenberg and George MacKay, delivering powerful performances that explore themes of love, identity, and survival. While it did not receive major awards, it offers a poignant narrative that can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Amma Asante
Actors: Abbie Cornish, Alec Newman, Amandla Stenberg, Christopher Eccleston, Ethan Rouse, George MacKay, Natasha Little, Tom Goodman-Hill, Tom Sweet, Will Attenborough
Country: Belgium, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: British Film Company, Head Gear Films, Metrol Technology
Worldwide Gross: $128,269