West of Brooklyn
“West of Brooklyn” takes viewers on an emotional and often amusing adventure from the streets of Brooklyn, New York, to the glitz of Hollywood, California. The story follows “Sebi,” a young Italian American who is both a streetwise kid and a secretive beat poet. After his mother’s passing, Sebi leaves Brooklyn to join his group of friends who have recently moved to Los Angeles. These vibrant New Yorkers find themselves out of their element in L.A., and Sebi yearns for a sense of belonging. Alongside his friends, including “Matty,” a stunning and affluent girl from Beverly Hills, and “Gaetano D’Amico,” a celebrated poet from the Bronx whom Sebi admires, he confronts his own identity and discovers the bravery to embrace his true self. The screenplay is penned by Ronnie Marmo.
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Director: Danny Cistone
Actors: Natalia Livingston, Ronnie Marmo
Country: United States of America
Company: 68 Cent Features