We Are the Best!
Set in early 1980s Stockholm, this film follows the spirited journey of three young girls who defy societal norms by forming a punk band, despite having no instruments or musical experience. The story captures their friendship, rebellion, and the challenges they face in a world that often dismisses their dreams. Directed by Lukas Moodysson, the film is celebrated for its authentic portrayal of youth and punk culture. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Lukas Moodysson
Actors: Alvin Strollo, Anna Rydgren, David Dencik, Johan Liljemark, Jonathan Salomonsson, Liv LeMoyne, Mattias Wiberg, Mira Barkhammar, Mira Grosin, Peter Eriksson
Company: Danmarks Radio (DR), Det Danske Filminstitut, Film i Väst
Worldwide Gross: $1,604,273