Warriors of the Dawn
Set during the Imjin War, this historical drama follows a group of mercenaries known as the “proxy soldiers” who are hired to fight in place of the sons of noble families. The film stars Lee Jung-jae and Yeo Jin-goo, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the complexities of loyalty and survival amidst the chaos of war. Directed by Yoon-Chul Jung, the movie offers a gripping portrayal of courage and sacrifice. While it hasn’t received major awards, it stands out for its intense battle scenes and strong character development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, History, War
Director: Yoon-Chul Jung
Actors: Bae Soo-bin, Esom, Han Jae-yeong, Kim Moo-yul, Kim Myung-gon, Lee Jung-jae, Oh Gwang-rok, Oh Kwang-rok, Park Ji-hwan, Park Won-sang, Yeo Jin-goo
Country: South Korea
Company: 20th Century Fox, Blossom Pictures., Realies Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,497,176