Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf or Death
In this delightful stop-motion animated short, the beloved duo Wallace and Gromit find themselves in the bakery business, only to become entangled in a mystery involving a serial killer targeting local bakers. As they navigate the challenges of their new venture, Gromit must use his wits to protect Wallace and uncover the truth behind the sinister plot. Directed by the acclaimed Nick Park, this film showcases the charming humor and inventive storytelling that fans have come to expect from the series. Notably, it was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Short Animation. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Short, Thriller
Director: Nick Park
Actors: Ben Whitehead, Geraldine McEwan, Melissa Collier, Peter Sallis, Sally Lindsay, Sarah Laborde
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Aardman Animations