Waiting for Anya
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film follows a young shepherd named Jo, played by Noah Schnapp, who discovers a dangerous secret in his small French village. As he becomes involved in a covert operation to help Jewish children escape to Spain, the tension and stakes rise with the arrival of German soldiers. The movie features strong performances from stars such as Anjelica Huston and Jean Reno. Directed by Ben Cookson, it captures the emotional and moral complexities of wartime resistance. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Ben Cookson
Actors: Elsa Zylberstein, Frederick Schmidt, Gilles Marini, Jean Reno, Joséphine de la Baume, Noah Schnapp, Sadie Frost, Thomas Kretschmann, Tómas Lemarquis, Urs Rechn
Country: Belgium, United Kingdom
Company: Artémis Productions, Bad Penny Productions, Goldfinch Family Films
Worldwide Gross: $138,950