A group of six friends in their twenties gather to celebrate New Year’s Eve at a riverside summer house. The host, Nicolas—portrayed by writer and director Martin Piroyansky (known for XXY)—invites his former girlfriend Pilar, played by Inés Efron (Empty Nest, XXY), with whom he recently had a brief romantic encounter. Despite this, Nicolas flirts with other women at the gathering, including the introspective Cata (Vera Spinetta) and the alluring Belén (Justina Bustos). However, things take an unexpected turn when Nicolas ends up in bed with, and subsequently falls for, the high-strung Manuela (Violeta Urtizberea), who is also the girlfriend of his best friend, leading to an ironic twist of fate.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Martín Piroyansky
Actors: Chino Darín, Inés Efron, Justina Bustos, Martín Piroyansky, Vera Spinetta, Violeta Urtizberea
Country: Argentina
Worldwide Gross: $8,155