Voice of Silence
In this South Korean crime drama, the story revolves around two men, Tae-in and Chang-bok, who work in the criminal underworld as cleaners, tasked with disposing of bodies for a crime syndicate. Their lives take an unexpected turn when they are given the responsibility of looking after a kidnapped girl, leading to a series of moral dilemmas and unexpected events. The film stars Yoo Ah-in and Yoo Jae-myung, delivering compelling performances that drive the narrative. Directed by Hong Eui-jeong, this film offers a unique perspective on crime and morality. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Hong Eui-jeong
Actors: Im Kang-sung, Jo Ha-seok, Kim Han-na, Kim Ja-Young, Lee Ga-eun, Moon Seung-a, Moon Seung-ah, Seo Dong-Soo, Yoo Ah-in, Yoo Jae-myung, Yoo Sung-joo, You Chea-myung, You Seong-joo
Country: South Korea
Company: Broccoli Pictures, Broedmachine, Lewis Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $3,271,053