This Swiss drama, directed by Fredi M. Murer, follows the life of a child prodigy with extraordinary musical talent and a high IQ. The film explores the pressures and expectations placed on the young boy by his ambitious parents, as well as his desire to lead a normal life. Teo Gheorghiu stars as the titular character, delivering a compelling performance that captures the complexity of a gifted child. The movie won the Swiss Film Prize for Best Film, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fredi M. Murer
Actors: Bruno Ganz, Daniel Rohr, Eleni Haupt, Fabrizio Borsani, Julika Jenkins, Kristina Lykowa, Norbert Schwientek, Tamara Scarpellini, Teo Gheorghiu, Urs Jucker
Country: Switzerland
Company: Schweizer Fernsehen (SF), SRG - SSR, Vitusfilm GmbH
Worldwide Gross: $6,079,556