In this 2015 drama directed by Guy Édoin, the narrative intricately weaves together the lives of several characters in Montreal, centering around a famous actress, played by Monica Bellucci, and her estranged son. As their paths intersect with a paramedic and a nurse, the film explores themes of love, loss, and the search for connection amidst personal turmoil. The movie is noted for its compelling performances and emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Guy Édoin
Actors: Alexandre Noël, Aliocha Schneider, Frédéric Gilles, Larissa Corriveau, Louis Champagne, Monica Bellucci, Pascale Bussières, Patrick Hivon, Roxanne Noël, Stéphanie Labbé
Country: Canada
Company: Max Films Media
Worldwide Gross: $4,432