Set against the backdrop of Bulgaria’s political upheaval in the late 20th century, this film follows the life of a girl born without a belly button, a symbol of her unique destiny. Her mother, who initially did not want her, navigates the complexities of motherhood and societal expectations in a rapidly changing world. The narrative explores themes of identity, belonging, and the impact of historical events on personal lives. Directed by Maya Vitkova, the film has been noted for its striking visual style and poignant storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Maya Vitkova
Actors: Anastasia Ingilizova, Daria Vitkova, Dimo Dimov, Georgi Spasov, Irmena Chichikova, Ivo Karamanski, Kalina Vitkova, Mariana Krumova, Simeon Tsolov, Svetoslav Draganov
Company: Mandragora, Viktoria Films
Worldwide Gross: $11,314