Debut directors Andrew Yorke and Kevin Michael present an avant-garde film experience that delves into the lives of distressed young individuals during challenging periods. The discovery of a deceased pregnant woman in a warehouse initially suggests suicide. However, a freelance journalist receives a lead about a witness who has an alternative account. Yorke and Michael draw audiences into a realm that transcends typical youthful misbehavior, a shadowy and insulated world that is disrupted by societal pressures. “Videotape” offers an unfiltered and intense examination of the more sinister aspects of human behavior, posing essential questions that demand answers.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Andrew Yorke, Kevin Michael
Actors: Allison Varley, Andrew Yorke, Daniel Thomas Phipps, Kevin Michael, Sam Maclin, Ty Gibson
Country: United States of America
Company: BetterHalf Productions, Off-Centre Studios, Xteamartists