In this gripping thriller, a young Spanish woman named Victoria, played by Laia Costa, finds herself swept into a night of unexpected adventure and danger in Berlin. The film is renowned for its technical achievement, being shot in a single continuous take, which adds to the intensity and realism of the unfolding events. As Victoria becomes entangled with a group of local men, led by Frederick Lau’s character, the night spirals into a high-stakes heist. Directed by Sebastian Schipper, the film received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution at the Berlin International Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Sebastian Schipper
Actors: André Hennicke, Andreas Schmitka, Burak Yigit, Eike Frederik Schulz, Franz Rogowski, Frederick Lau, Hans-Ulrich Laux, Laia Costa, Lena Klenke, Martin Goeres, Max Mauff, Philipp Kubitza
Country: Germany
Company: Deutschfilm, MonkeyBoy, RadicalMedia
Worldwide Gross: $3,245,470