Valley of Bones
In this gripping thriller, a disgraced paleontologist, played by Autumn Reeser, is drawn into a dangerous scheme when she discovers a potentially lucrative dinosaur fossil in the Badlands of North Dakota. As she teams up with a recovering meth addict, portrayed by Steven Molony, the duo must navigate a treacherous world of crime and deception. Directed by Dan Glaser, the film explores themes of redemption and desperation against a stark, unforgiving landscape. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie offers a tense narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Western
Director: Dan Glaser
Actors: Alexandra Billings, Autumn Reeser, Bill Smitrovich, Brandon Heitkamp, Maddisyn Carter, Mark Margolis, Mason Mahay, Muse Watson, Rhys Coiro, Steven Molony
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Medicine Films, New Heits Entertainment, Unmarked Van Films
Worldwide Gross: $168,738