In this intense South Korean crime thriller directed by Park Hoon-jung, a high-profile North Korean defector becomes the prime suspect in a series of gruesome murders, leading to a tense international investigation. The film stars Jang Dong-gun, Kim Myung-min, and Lee Jong-suk, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate a web of political intrigue and moral ambiguity. The narrative explores themes of power and corruption, set against a backdrop of geopolitical tension. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it stands out for its gripping storyline and strong cast. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Park Hoon-jung
Actors: Choi Jung-woo, Jang Dong-gun, Ji Eun-seo, Jo Woo-jin, Kim Myung-min, Lee Jong-suk, Oh Dae-hwan, Park Hee-soon, Park Sung-woong, Peter Stormare
Country: South Korea
Worldwide Gross: $9,710,283