Urban Legends: Bloody Mary
In this 2005 horror film directed by Mary Lambert, a group of high school students inadvertently awakens the vengeful spirit of a girl named Mary, who was murdered decades earlier. As the legend of Bloody Mary comes to life, the students find themselves haunted by terrifying visions and mysterious deaths. The film stars Kate Mara and Robert Vito, who deliver compelling performances as they unravel the dark secrets of their town’s past. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it offers a chilling exploration of urban legends and their impact on modern-day life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mary Lambert
Actors: Ann Poll, Don Shanks, Ed Marinaro, Kate Mara, Lillith Fields, Michael Coe, Nancy Everhard, Olesya Rulin, Robert Vito, Tina Lifford
Country: United States of America
Company: NPP Productions Inc., Screen Gems