Urban Hymn
Set against the backdrop of the 2011 London riots, this poignant drama follows the journey of a troubled young woman, Jamie, who discovers a passion for singing that could change her life. Under the guidance of a determined social worker, played by Shirley Henderson, Jamie navigates the challenges of her environment and her own personal struggles. The film features a compelling performance by Letitia Wright, who brings depth to her character’s transformation. Directed by Michael Caton-Jones, the movie explores themes of redemption and the power of music. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Caton-Jones
Actors: Caroline O'Neill, Ian Hart, Isabella Laughland, Jack McMullen, Jamie Taylor, Letitia Wright, Matthew Steer, Shaun Parkes, Shirley Henderson, Steven Mackintosh
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dashishah Global Film Production, Eclipse Films, Powderkeg Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,115