Unholy Women
“Unholy Women” (Kowai onna) is a collection of three distinct horror films, each lasting about thirty minutes. This anthology features separate short films titled “Rattle Rattle,” “Hagane,” and “The Inheritance,” crafted by directors Keita Amemiya, Takuji Suzuki, and Keisuke Toyoshima, respectively. The first film, “Rattle Rattle,” follows a young woman being chased by a malevolent supernatural entity. The second story, “Steel,” revolves around a young man who, after agreeing to go on a blind date with his boss’s sister, finds himself entangled in a terrifying reality beyond his imagination. The final piece, “The Inheritance,” explores a chilling supernatural narrative involving a woman and her young son, both haunted by past abuse and psychological distress.
Views: 2
Director: Keisuke Toyoshima, Keita Amemiya, Takuji Suzuki
Actors: Kenta Suga, Kosuke Toyohara, Maki Meguro, Nahana, Noriko Nakagoshi, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Tasuku Emoto, Teruyuki Kagawa, Tokie Hidari, Yuko Kobayashi
Country: Japan
Company: Imagica, King Records, Micott & Basara K.K.
Worldwide Gross: $10,638