In the 1880s, in Hokkaido, Japan, Jubei Kamata, portrayed by Ken Watanabe, is a notorious figure aligned with the Edo shogunate, known for his ruthless killings that have made his name feared in Kyoto. As the conflict at Goryoukaku nears its end, Jubei vanishes. A decade later, he leads a quiet life with his child, struggling to make ends meet. Despite his vow to never wield a sword again in honor of his late wife’s resting place, financial hardship forces him to break his promise and take up the sword once more, this time as a bounty hunter.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Western
Director: Sang-il Lee
Actors: Akira Emoto, Eiko Koike, Jun Kunimura, Ken Watanabe, Kenichi Takitoh, Koichi Sato, Shioli Kutsuna, Takahiro Miura, Yukiyoshi Ozawa, Yuya Yagira
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Nikkatsu, Office Shirous, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $6,763,059