In this 2015 romantic drama directed by Sean Mewshaw, a young widow named Hannah, played by Rebecca Hall, struggles to move forward after the death of her husband, a celebrated folk singer. Her life takes an unexpected turn when Andrew, a brash New York writer portrayed by Jason Sudeikis, arrives in her small Maine town to research a biography on her late husband. As they clash over their differing perspectives on the singer’s legacy, they begin to find common ground and healing. The film features a strong supporting cast, including Dianna Agron and Blythe Danner. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance
Director: Sean Mewshaw
Actors: Alex Quijano, Blythe Danner, Dianna Agron, Gabe Gibbs, Griffin Dunne, Jason Sudeikis, Joe Manganiello, Maggie Castle, Rebecca Hall, Richard Masur
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bron Studios, Hahnscape Entertainment, Rusticator Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $282,083