Troy the Odyssey
In this adaptation of the Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after a decade of the Trojan War, the Greek hero Odysseus embarks on a journey back to his homeland. However, instead of a straightforward voyage, he encounters a series of misadventures both at sea and on land. Accompanied by a captured Trojan warrior named Circe and a band of loyal Greek soldiers, Odysseus faces challenges from sea sirens and other mythical creatures as they strive to return to the island kingdom of Icarus. Meanwhile, his wife Penelope is besieged by suitors eager for her to choose one of them as her new husband.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Tekin Girgin
Actors: Cecilia Belletti, Dylan Vox, Eoin O'Brien, Hachem Hicham, Kat Ingkarat, Katrina Grey, Kelly B. Jones, Kristina Boehm Bogarchuk, Lara Heller, Tanja Keller
Country: United States of America
Company: Benetone Films, Slightly Distorted Productions, The Asylum