In this intense thriller directed by Alastair Orr, a group of nine friends reunites for a camping trip in the woods, only to find themselves trapped in a deadly game of survival. Each of them wakes up with a suicide vest strapped to their chest, and they must uncover the secrets of their past to disarm the explosive devices. The film stars Reine Swart and Liesl Ahlers, who deliver gripping performances as tensions rise and alliances are tested. While the movie has not received any major awards, it offers a unique twist on the survival genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alastair Orr
Actors: Cameron Scott, Craig Urbani, Johan Baird, Kayla Privett, Liesl Ahlers, Paige Bonnin, Reine Swart, Sean Cameron Michael, Steven John Ward, Suraya-Rose Santos
Country: South Africa
Company: Polanomode Media, The First Order