In this intriguing Dutch film directed by Paul Verhoeven, the story revolves around a successful businessman whose life spirals out of control during his 50th birthday celebration. As secrets unravel and relationships are tested, the narrative delves into themes of betrayal and deception. The film is notable for its unique production process, involving audience participation in script development. While it may not have garnered major awards, it features a compelling performance by Peter Blok. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Paul Verhoeven
Actors: Carolien Spoor, Duy Huynh, Gaite Jansen, Jochum ten Haaf, Peter Blok, Pieter Tiddens, Ricky Koole, Robert de Hoog, Ronald van Elderen, Sallie Harmsen
Country: Netherlands
Company: FCCE
Worldwide Gross: $3,533