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A once-famous star chooses to take an illicit drug from the underground market, which is a cell-replicating compound that briefly transforms her into a more youthful and improved version of...
In 1947, after escaping the turmoil of post-war Europe, innovative architect László Tóth and his wife Erzsébet make a new home in Pennsylvania. There, an enigmatic and affluent patron profoundly...
A dark and eerie story unfolds as a troubled young woman becomes the object of a fearsome vampire’s fixation, leading to unimaginable terror and chaos.
A helicopter pilot teams up with an environmental scientist to guide a group of survivors in their quest for a secure refuge following a devastating tectonic disaster that fractures the...
Thief Kevin Caffery attempts to rob from the home of rich businessman Max Fairbanks. But Fairbanks catches him and steals his cherished ring that his girlfriend gave him. Caffery is...
This gripping drama weaves together three distinct narratives connected by a car accident in Mexico City, exploring themes of love, loss, and the human condition. Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu,...
In this romantic drama directed by Scott Hicks, a U.S. Marine named Logan Thibault, played by Zac Efron, returns home from his third tour of duty in Iraq with a...
Your beloved delivery crew, featuring a cyclops and a robot, returns in this live-action version of Futurama. The story centers on Fry, Leela, and Bender as they discover that one...
In this family-friendly drama, a young girl named Emily, played by Evan Rachel Wood, runs a secret-keeping business in her neighborhood, offering a listening ear to the children around her....
During a social event, Jack disrupts the atmosphere by accusing his best friend’s wife of being unfaithful. However, as the accusations escalate, it becomes clear that there might be a...
Betrayed and abandoned by a vengeful partner, a woman discovers her inner resilience to heal and seek revenge on her tormentor.
In a dystopian future where vampires named after Greek deities and witches hold power, this film offers a fresh take on the classic vampire narrative. The story revolves around Eros,...
In this dark comedy, Jason Mewes stars as a fictionalized version of himself, embarking on a quest to be taken seriously as an actor. Frustrated with being typecast, he turns...
Set in London during the festive season, this romantic comedy follows the life of Kate, a young woman struggling with personal issues and working as an elf in a year-round...
In this 2020 romantic comedy directed by Michael Showalter, a couple on the brink of breaking up finds themselves unintentionally embroiled in a bizarre murder mystery. Starring Issa Rae and...
A teenage son of an African American couple is tragically killed during a robbery. The perpetrator receives a 40-year prison sentence and has an adorable young son, aged between six...
In this 2023 film, a brilliant teenager named Vicaria embarks on a daring quest to challenge the boundaries of life and death, driven by the loss of her brother. The...
The winter holidays are proving to be particularly challenging for Greg Heffley this year. While building a snowman with his best friend Rowley Jefferson, Greg inadvertently damages a snowplow, leading...
In an alternate 1966 America, President Kennedy fails to avert the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, leading to a devastating nuclear winter that engulfs the nation. The country’s infrastructure crumbles,...
The narrative explores the life and career of American musician Pharrell Williams, presented through the unique style of LEGO animation.
Certainly! Here’s a paraphrased version of the movie description: In a world where the plot remains a mystery, the film unfolds with an enigmatic narrative that keeps viewers guessing. The...
This documentary delves into the life and career of Gloria Allred, a renowned women’s rights attorney known for her high-profile legal battles and advocacy for gender equality. Directed by Roberta...
In this charming animated short, the story unfolds in a whimsical world where clouds are responsible for creating babies of all kinds, from human infants to adorable animals. The narrative...
In this South Korean action thriller, the story follows a hitman who works for a seemingly ordinary company that is actually a front for an assassination business. As he becomes...
In this romantic comedy directed by Mark Jean, a wedding planner and a financial advisor find themselves at odds when their professional philosophies clash at a bridal expo. Starring Alexa...
In a historic English mansion, two spirits, separated by time, have been wandering in search of one another. Their paths finally cross thanks to Ally (LAURA PENNEYCARD), a photography student...
In this 2014 film directed by Ned Benson, the narrative explores the complexities of a couple’s relationship as they navigate the aftermath of a tragic event. Starring Jessica Chastain and...
A slick and unscrupulous real estate agent becomes the target of retribution when one of his wronged clients secretly takes up residence in his apartment. Unnoticed, the victim embarks on...
This documentary explores the iconic televised debates of 1968 between two prominent intellectuals: the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Originally intended to provide insight into...
The journey of Frank Sinatra, exploring his career as both an actor and a singer, and the pivotal moments that shaped him into a legendary figure.
In a future society dominated by women, a timid designer specializing in plastics purchases a female robot to boost his self-assurance and transform into a ladies’ man. However, he unexpectedly...
In “JINGLE BELL ROCKS!”, filmmaker Mitchell Kezin embarks on a journey into the world of renowned Christmas music enthusiasts. He travels to meet his festive idols, such as hip hop...
When Rex is accidentally forgotten in the bathroom, he decides to make the most of the situation by drawing a bath for a group of new toy companions, using his...
Directed by James Mangold, this film chronicles the intense rivalry between automotive giants Ford and Ferrari during the 1960s. The story follows visionary car designer Carroll Shelby, played by Matt...
After learning about the high demand for international talent in Japan, Dave, an average individual, embarks on a wild quest to grasp the concept of fame by any means necessary.
In this comedic mystery, Shawn Spencer and Burton “Gus” Guster return to Santa Barbara to help their old friend, Chief Carlton Lassiter, who is recovering from an on-duty injury. As...
A group of kids from rural Missouri embarks on a thrilling quest to unravel a century-old mystery and rescue their friends in this family-friendly action adventure. Pursued into ancient caves...
In this poignant drama directed by S.J. Chiro, a retired heart surgeon, played by the esteemed Tom Skerritt, embarks on a journey through the rugged landscapes of Washington State. As...
The independent sci-fi romance film “WITHOUT WARD” is set in a future dominated by a global government known as Contractualism. In this world, an influential inventor named Ward, portrayed by...
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film delves into the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the brilliant physicist who played a pivotal role in the development of...
The end is near, and it’s more terrifying than death itself: it’s the threat of complete erasure. This danger looms not just over our planet, but across all worlds and...
When tech mogul Slater King encounters cocktail server Frida at his charity event, he extends an invitation for her to accompany him and his friends on an idyllic getaway to...
A rising culinary artist and a newly single individual experience a life-altering transformation when fate unexpectedly unites them, leading to a profoundly emotional love story that unfolds over ten years.
After triumphing over R’yleh and the Frozen Kingdom, young Howard Lovecraft embarks on a journey to the Undersea Kingdom. His mission is to rescue his imprisoned family, safeguard three enigmatic...
After seeing his girlfriend get killed, a man jeopardizes everything, even his grip on reality, in his quest to uncover the truth.
One year after the light of a supermoon awakened a latent gene, turning humans into ravenous werewolves and resulting in nearly a billion fatalities, the horror returns with the rise...
Join Thomas and his friends in this exciting adventure to the mainland that shows us friendship is more important than being the favorite engine. Can Thomas and the new experimental...
In this heartwarming family drama, a young girl named Katy McLaughlin, played by Alison Lohman, discovers a wild mustang she names Flicka. Set against the stunning backdrop of Wyoming, the...
The narrative follows an optimistic headmaster who remains determined to manage a kindergarten for disadvantaged children in Yuen Long, facing numerous obstacles and receiving minimal recognition. Inspired by real-life events.
In the final installment of the popular vampire saga, the story picks up with Bella Swan, now a vampire, as she adjusts to her new life and newfound powers. The...
In this thought-provoking drama, a young soldier, played by Kristen Stewart, is stationed as a guard at Guantanamo Bay, where she forms an unlikely bond with a detainee. The film...
In this action-packed film, a young martial artist finds himself drawn into an underground fight club where he must balance his traditional values with the lure of power and money....
This insightful depiction explores the life of Chris Burden, an artist who pushed the boundaries of creativity and endangered his own life for the sake of his art.
In this 2018 action-adventure film directed by Nicholas Winter, the legendary outlaw Robin Hood leads a daring rebellion against the oppressive Sheriff of Nottingham. The story focuses on Robin’s quest...
Eighty-nine year old trumpeting legend Clark Terry has mentored jazz wonders like Miles Davis and Quincy Jones, but Terry’s most unlikely friendship is with Justin Kauflin, a 23-year-old blind piano...
In a weightless expanse filled with countless multicolored lights lies the “Box of Wisdom.” This enigmatic space contains numerous worlds and timelines, once inhabited by a variety of people. Within...
Set against the vibrant backdrop of South Florida, this film explores the emotional journey of a suburban African-American family as they navigate love, loss, and forgiveness. The narrative is divided...
Lucy Neal finds herself taken aback when her former boyfriend accuses her of being overly reserved. Determined to prove him wrong, she embarks on an adventurous quest by crafting an...
Delve into the extraordinary peaks and disconcerting valleys of Vince Carter’s journey, an 8-time All-Star and slam dunk champion, as he reflects on his groundbreaking 22-season career in professional basketball.
In this action-packed sequel, the beloved blue hedgehog teams up with his new friend Tails to thwart the villainous Dr. Robotnik, who returns with a new partner, Knuckles, in a...
Directed by Danny Boyle, this film follows the journey of Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old from the slums of Mumbai, who finds himself on the verge of winning the Indian version...
Johnny “Snooker Man” Bonnar, ranked as the 17th best Ronnie O’Sullivan impersonator in the UK, is employed by the country’s least successful lookalike agency. He ventures into the realm of...
After uncovering the source of a troubling supernatural curse linked to the ancestral burial site of a rich family, a group of paranormal investigators moves the bodies. They quickly learn...
In this innovative film, Cate Blanchett delivers a remarkable performance by embodying 13 distinct characters, each reciting various artistic and political manifestos. The film, directed by Julian Rosefeldt, explores the...
ECSTASY is a darkly comedic romance film inspired by Irvine Welsh’s provocative novel, “Ecstasy.” This book, which became a number one bestseller in more than 20 countries and was translated...
Space Cop follows the adventure of a futuristic law enforcer who journeys back to our current era, where he partners with a police officer from the past who has been...
In this action-packed film, two operatives from competing bureaus are forced to team up after a failed attempt to infiltrate a drug cartel. As they navigate a web of deception...
In this high-octane action film, Bruce Willis reprises his iconic role as John McClane, who travels to Russia to help his estranged son, Jack, played by Jai Courtney. The father-son...
Several years back, a tranquil town in the Pacific Northwest was haunted by a skull-masked killer with an insatiable hunger for murder. Known as the North Bend Reaper, this cunning...
In this action-comedy film directed by Jorma Taccone, a former special operative is called back into service to thwart a villain’s plan to launch a nuclear warhead. The protagonist, known...
“That Gal…Who was in That Thing: That Guy 2” is a film that delves into the lives of female character actors who are often recognized for their roles in various...
This documentary, directed by James Marsh, explores the life of a chimpanzee named Nim, who was the subject of a groundbreaking experiment in the 1970s aimed at understanding language acquisition...
“Back Issues” is an authoritative documentary exploring the history of the adult magazine Hustler, tracing its origins from a nightclub concept to its evolution in the modern era of pornography....