In this engaging romantic comedy-drama, two strangers, Danny and Ellie, find themselves thrown together in a high-stakes caper involving a mysterious briefcase. As they navigate a series of unexpected twists and turns, their journey becomes as much about self-discovery as it is about the task at hand. The film stars Callum Turner and Grace Van Patten, whose chemistry brings depth to their characters’ evolving relationship. Directed by Adam Leon, the movie offers a fresh take on the classic heist genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Adam Leon
Actors: Callum Turner, Dane Martinez, Grace Van Patten, Jeszenia Jimenez, Louis Cancelmi, Margaret Colin, Mariola Mlekicki, Michal Vondel, Mike Birbiglia, Rachel Zeiger-Haag, Tarina Milo, Tashiana Washington
Country: United States of America
Company: Animal Kingdom, Beachside Films, Rooks Nest Entertainment