Tooth Fairy 2
In this family-friendly comedy, Larry Guthrie, played by Larry the Cable Guy, finds himself in an unexpected predicament when he is transformed into a tooth fairy as a form of punishment. Tasked with collecting teeth and spreading joy, Larry must navigate his new role while trying to win back his ex-girlfriend. Directed by Alex Zamm, the film combines humor and heartwarming moments, making it a lighthearted watch for audiences of all ages. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alex Zamm
Actors: Brady Reiter, David Mackey, Erin Beute, Gabriel Suttle, John Connon, Kristen Wharton, Larry the Cable Guy, Lucius Baston, Noah Kronenberger, Sydney Rouviere
Country: United States of America
Company: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Parallel Entertainment Pictures, Walden Media