Tom and Jerry Cowboy Up!
In this animated adventure, the iconic duo Tom and Jerry find themselves in the Wild West, where they must put aside their rivalry to help a cowgirl and her brother save their ranch from a greedy land-grabber. Directed by Darrell Van Citters, the film combines classic slapstick humor with a Western twist, offering a fresh take on the beloved characters. While the movie doesn’t boast any awards, it provides a fun and entertaining experience for fans of all ages. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Western
Director: Darrell Van Citters
Actors: Chris Edgerly, George Ackles, Georgie Kidder, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Justin Michael, Kaitlyn Robrock, Kath Soucie, Sean Burgos, Stephen Stanton, Trevor Devall
Country: United States of America
Company: Turner Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation