This intimate documentary, blending various media forms, chronicles the life of Tig Notaro, a comedian from Los Angeles. Just days after receiving a diagnosis of invasive stage II breast cancer, Tig transformed her career trajectory with a powerful stand-up performance that quickly became legendary. The film delves into Tig’s remarkable journey as her career takes off and her life evolves in unexpected and significant ways, all while she battles a life-threatening illness and finds love. This hybrid of comedy and drama captures a deeply personal story about confronting crises with honesty and grace, and overcoming adversity through the healing power of humor. It tells a tale of forging ahead during uncertain times, taking risks for what you believe is right, and pursuing your desires in life.
Views: 3
Genre: Biography, Documentary
Director: Ashley York, Kristina Goolsby
Actors: Bill Burr, Kyle Dunnigan, Sarah Silverman, Stephanie Allynne, Tig Notaro, Zach Galifianakis
Country: United States of America
Company: Beachside Films