Tian jiang xiong shi
Set against the backdrop of the Han Dynasty, this 2015 film directed by Daniel Lee follows the story of a Roman general, played by John Cusack, who teams up with a Chinese warrior, portrayed by Jackie Chan, to protect the Silk Road from a corrupt Roman leader. The film features an intriguing blend of Eastern and Western cultures, showcasing epic battle scenes and a tale of unlikely friendship. While it did not receive any major awards, the movie is notable for its ambitious cross-cultural collaboration and impressive action choreography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, History
Director: Daniel Lee
Actors: Adrien Brody, Alfred Hsing, Jackie Chan, John Cusack, Kevin Lee, Max Huang, Raiden Integra, Robert Peoples, Sammy Hung, Sammy Hung Tin-Chiu, Sharni Vinson, Tomer Oz
Company: Huayi Brothers Media, Shanghai Film Group, Sparkle Roll Media
Worldwide Gross: $122,606,884