This Is England
Set in 1983, this film follows a young boy named Shaun, played by Thomas Turgoose, as he navigates the challenges of adolescence in a small English town. After befriending a group of skinheads, Shaun is introduced to a world of camaraderie and identity, but also faces the darker elements of nationalism and racism. Directed by Shane Meadows, the movie is a poignant exploration of youth and societal influences. It won the Best British Film award at the 2008 BAFTAs. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Shane Meadows
Actors: Andrew Ellis, Andrew Shim, Jack O'Connell, Jo Hartley, Joseph Gilgun, Perry Benson, Rosamund Hanson, Stephen Graham, Thomas Turgoose, Vicky McClure
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Big Arty Productions, EM Media, Warp Films
Worldwide Gross: $8,481,254