Thin Ice
In this 2011 crime-comedy, Greg Kinnear stars as Mickey Prohaska, a struggling insurance agent whose life takes a chaotic turn when he attempts to con an elderly farmer out of a valuable violin. The plot thickens with unexpected twists and turns, leading to a series of comedic yet tense situations. The film is directed by Jill Sprecher, known for her work on “Clockwatchers.” While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers an engaging narrative with a blend of humor and suspense. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jill Sprecher
Actors: Alan Arkin, Billy Crudup, Bob Balaban, David Harbour, Greg Kinnear, James Michael Detmar, John Paul Gamoke, Lea Thompson, Michelle Arthur, Peter Thoemke
Country: United States of America
Company: ATO Pictures, Spare Room Productions, Werc Werk Works
Worldwide Gross: $790,421